Thursday, October 25, 2007

The Spidey Days

March 18, 2007
Dear Diary,
I never knew there was such a thing as night school! Last night when I was walking home from school with Patches, we saw some spiders walking TO school. When we stopped them and told them that school was over, they said they were nocturnal. When I got home I asked my favorite big brother what nocturnal meant. So he told me that some spiders sleep all day and run around at night. I thought that was sort of cool. I wish I could do that, instead of going to school in the day time.

The Spidey Days

March 18, 2007
Dear Diary,
Today, Ned the Bully was trying to fight me. But I just walked away. Then he started fighting with his brother, Ted. All him and his brothers like to do is fight. What a crazy bunch!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

The Spidey Days

March 17,2007
Dear Diary,
I thought today was horrable! I fell off a branch and landed on my back. But that wasn't the worst part! I was STUCK on my back! It took Ms. Garden and Patches to flip me right side up! I was so embarassed!! I scurried home as fast as I could!

The Spidey Days

March 16,2007
Dear Diary,
We got our report cards back today. And, of course, I'm failing ambush class. I can't work because I always caught my food by my web. But Patches has an A+ in ambush. All I had to said to him was " You lucky ladybug".

The Spidey Days

March 15,2007
Dear Diary,
I always wondered why the coaches separated us into groups when we had races. They always put the big spiders in one group and the smaller ones in another group. I finally asked Coach Scuttles and he said that the larger you are, the slower you are. So now that I know, I'm grateful for being so small.

The Spidey Days

March 14,2007
Dear Dairy,
I was so mad today! One of my brothers knocked over one of the twigs that held up my web. And what was worse was that mom yelled at the wrong brother. Sometimes, I wish I was an only spider, compared to my one hundred brothers and sisters.

The Spidey Days

March 13,2007
Dear Diary,
Today was sort of exciting. In gym class, one of my classmates lost a leg in tug-of-war. Coach said it would grow back. He also said that seven legs is better that no legs. I agree!